Buy all 8 Diploma-linked courses and SAVE £190.80!
Buy all 8 together with one click!
If you're thinking of taking the Human Givens Diploma you can take advantage of our block booking discount and SAVE 15% by buying all 8 of our Diploma-linked online courses at once – a saving of £190.80!
You will have life-long access to each of the 8 courses, all of which are required for Part 1 of the Diploma.
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
All Courses, Diploma Linked
All Courses, Diploma Linked
If you advise, treat or counsel disturbed or distressed people, this could be the most important course you ever take...
All Courses, Diploma Linked
New insights into the causes of mental illness, including severe conditions like schizophrenia, are explaining distressing symptoms and reducing suffering...
All Courses, Diploma Linked
Vital information for anyone affected by depression ‒ includes new insights and research findings which dramatically improve recovery rates and help prevent relapse.
All Courses, Diploma Linked
Have you ever felt powerless in the face of anger? If so, this practical and highly informative course is for you – learn how to take back control...
All Courses, Diploma Linked
Discover how to make a positive difference – whatever the problem – using the key concepts and skills encompassed in human givens therapy.